User Preferences
Timeout Between Decodes
Timeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol
This parameter sets the minimum time between decodes of different symbols. It is
programmable in 0.1-second increments from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. Setting this above 0.4
seconds is recommended.) The default for this parameter is 0.6 seconds.
Scan the bar code below to select a new timeout. Next, scan two numeric bar codes
beginning in Numeric Bar Codes on page D-1 that correspond to the desired timeout.
Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. For example, to set a timeout of 0.5
seconds, scan the bar code below, then scan the “0” and “5” bar codes. If you make an
error, or wish to change your selection, scan Cancel on page D-5.
Timeout Between Same Symbol
Timeout Between Decodes, Different Symbol
This parameter sets the minimum time between decodes of different symbols. It is
programmable in 0.1-second increments from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. The default for this
parameter is 0.2 seconds.
Scan the bar code below to select a new timeout. Next, scan two numeric bar codes
beginning in Numeric Bar Codes on page D-1 that correspond to the desired timeout.
Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. For example, to set a timeout of 0.5
seconds, scan the bar code below, then scan the “0” and “5” bar codes. If you make an
error, or wish to change your selection, scan Cancel on page D-5.
Timeout Between Different Symbol