PN 8500-0150, Rev. A, May 2005 21
Operating Manual
In Table 3 is a list of the data found in the response. The data is in the same format as the
associated "Enter" command. A space exists between each of the parameters, except where
noted. The total count is 176 characters.
Input Threshold High/Low
Command Format:
Table 3 Response Format
Variable Return String Count First
Dynamic Gain Floor DFgg.g 6 1
Dynamic Gain Ceiling DCgg.g 6 8
Dynamic Gain Rate Factor DRrr.rrrr (in nanoseconds) 9 15
Dynamic Gain Offset Factor DOoooo (in nanoseconds) 5 25
Km KM.kkkkkk 9 31
Ko1 KO1.nnnnnn 10 41
Ko2 KO2.oooooo 10 52
Disgain DGddddd 7 63
Resync Threshold RTrrrrrr.rrr (in microseconds) 12 71
Resync Delay RDdddd (in microseconds) 6 84
Rate Threshold RArrrrrr.rrr (in microseconds) 12 91
Burst BUx (x = 0 = Off, x =1 = On) 3 104
Default Calibrate Unit CZrr.rrrr (in microseconds) 9 108
1PPS Offset POyyyyyy.yyy (in microseconds) 12 118
Input Threshold ITx (x = 0 = High, x = 1 = Low) 3 131
Programmable Delay Value PDddd 5 135
Oscillator Control Range ORsrr.rrrr (in microseconds) 10 141
Design Verification DVx (x = 0 = Off, x = 1 = On) 3 152
Rate Error TC RCnnnnnn 8 156
Offset Error TC Ocoooooo (no space here) 8 165
CR LF 2 174