PN 8500-0150, Rev. A, May 2005 v
Operating Manual
Conventions Used in This Guide
This guide uses the following conventions:
Acronyms and Abbreviations – Terms are spelled out the first time they appear in text.
Thereafter, only the acronym or abbreviation is used.
Revision Control – The title page lists the printing date and versions of the product this
guide describes.
Table 1 Typographical Conventions – This guide uses the typographical conventions
described in Table 2.
ESD Caution: To avoid personal injury and electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage to
equipment, do not disregard ESD cautions. All ESD cautions use this symbol. ESD cau-
tions are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, or
statements that if not strictly observed, may result in possible personal injury, electro-
static discharge damage to, or destruction of, static-sensitive components of the equip-
Electrical Shock Caution: To avoid electrical shock and possible personal injury, do not
disregard electrical shock cautions. All electrical shock cautions use this symbol. Electri-
cal shock cautions are practices, procedures, or statements, that if not strictly observed,
may result in possible personal injury, electrical shock damage to, or destruction of com-
ponents of the equipment.
Recommendation: All recommendations use this symbol. Recommendations indicate
manufacturer-tested methods or known functionality. Recommendations contain installa-
tion, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, or statements, that
provide important information for optimum performance results.
Note: All notes use this symbol. Notes contain installation, operation, or maintenance
procedures, practices, conditions, or statements, that alert you to important information,
which may make your task easier or increase your understanding.