
November 2001 Synopsys, Inc. 17
The ModelSource 640-pin Adapter Chapter 2: Building the Daughterboard
J4-FP5–J4-FP8 (FANP12V), if used
DUT signal used for DUT clock
You can connect to any of the available power supplies listed in Table 1. Do not
interconnect different power supplies.
For bypass/decoupling capacitors, follow the DUT manufacturer’s
recommendations, if provided; otherwise, use the following guidelines:
For each supply of P5V, ADJVCC1 or ADJVCC2, provide 47µF, 16V tantalum
(use two of these, if space permits).
For each supply of P12V, M5V, provide 10µF, 16V tantalum.
For bypass, for every 25 signal pins, place a pair of 0.1µF and 0.01µF high
frequency X7R or NPO capacitors directly underneath the device, if possible, or
around the perimeter of the device.
Table 1: Available Power Supplies
Pins Signal Power Supply
P5V +5V DC, 6A max
J2-AP1–J2-AP4 ADJVCC1 +3-5V DC, 6A max
J4-AP1–J4-AP4 ADJVCC2 +3-5V DC, 6A max
J4-FP1–J4-FP4 M5V -5.2V DC, 400mA max
J2-FP5–J2-FP8 P12V +12V DC, 400mA max
J4-FP5–J4-FP8 FANP12V +12V DC, 400mA max (for
fan/heat sink only)