
24 Synopsys, Inc. November 2001
Chapter 4: Developing the Shell Software The ModelSource 640-pin Adapter
Figure 5 shows part of the template GEN640.PKG file provided by Synopsys.
{* Copyright (c) 2001by Synopsys, Incorporated *}
{*All rights reserved. *}
{* Logic Model PACKAGE map file for Generic 640 Device Adapter. *}
{ package_map_revision A *}
J1A2 = J1A2
J1A3 = J1A3
J1A4 = J1A4
J1A5 = J1A5
J1A6 = J1A6
J1A7 = J1A7
J1A8 = J1A8
J1A9 = J1A9
J1A10 = J1A10
J1A11 = J1A11
J1A12 = J1A12
J1A13 = J1A13
J1A21 = J1A21
J1A22 = J1A22
J1A23 = J1A23
J1A24 = J1A24
J1A25 = J1A25
Figure 5: Partial GEN640.PKG File
To customize this file for your DUT, you replace the first name on each line with the
name of the appropriate signal on your DUT.
For example, you change the first line
J1A2 = J1A2
DUTpname = J1A2