Character set commands Character set selection
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 131
Characters defined by the user
The pattern of the ground character in the used print qualities and fonts and the
graphic signs are in the resident menory of the printer. After turn off the printer
this memory is not lost.
In addition, the user can define his own characters. For this, an appropriate dot
pattern must be developed, encrypted via a sequence of numbers and trans-
ferred to the memory of the printer by means of the control code ESC &. A char-
acter code between hex 00 and hex 7F (decimal 0 to 127) is assigned to a
character defined by the user.
After changing with ESC % from the graphic signs in the resident memory to the
user defined graphic signs, this signs can be used with the defined code.
A character defined by the user is assigned to the ASCII code 65 (capital letter
A of the basic character set). The character sequence “AAA” is printed before
and after switching to the user-defined character set.