Processing of a blank form Application examples
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
6. Determining the right margin
Command: ESC Q (n)
Parameter: n=72(position72with10cpi)
Remarks: The default value is 90. With a setting ’right
margin = position 72’ printing is possible up to
position 71.
7. Determining the vertical tabs
Command: ESC B (n1,n2,n3,n4, n5) NUL
Parameters: n1 = 8 (first print line)
n2 = 16 (reference line)
n3 = 20 (start of text)
n4 = 42 (greetings line)
n5 = 46 (name of sender)
Remarks: Heretheverticaltabsinalinespacingof1/6
inch are automatically determined in channel
0. For channel 1 to channel 7 the command
ESC c (n1,...)
NUL must be used (c = channel
8. Deleting the default values for horizontal tabs
Command: ESC D NUL
Remarks: After switching on or initializing the printer
(ESC @)
tabs are set at a spacing of eight (8)
9. Setting the horizontal tabs
Command: ESC D (n1,n2) NUL
Parameters: n1 = 35 (position of processor abbreviation)
n2 = 40 (position of date)
Remarks: In proportional printing the characters are set
in pica spacing (10 cpi).