D14245.04—DECEMBER 2008 14
PrecisionHD 1080p Camera
User Guide
Remote control
Network and interface commands
Command Set Command Packet Comments
IF_Clear 8x 01 00 01 ff Clear command buffer. Stop
any current operation in
progress. Does not do much
on Rover.
Address_Set 8x 30 0p ff p = address for this device. If
x=8 (broadcast), increase p
with 1 before sending to chain.
Command_Cancel 8x 2p ff p = Socket ID. Rover does
not support multiple sockets.
Commands will always run to
completion. Don’t use it
Push messages
Messages sent from camera to controller.
Command Set Command Packet Reply and Comments
Network_Change y0 38 ff This indicates that cameras
have been added to or
removed from the chain.
It is recommended to wait 9
seconds after receiving this
message before doing a full
IR_Push y0 07 7d 02 gg hh ff If IR mode is on, IR codes
received by the camera will be
sent to the controller.
gg = IR ID
hh = keycode
BestView_Done_Push y0 0a 61 0p 0q ff First push message sent after
BestView is done.
pq = Number of frames
detected. The camera will
generate pq Res_Push
messages after this message.
BestView_Res_Push y0 0a 62 0p 0q [tiltpos] [panpos]
[tiltSize] [panSize] [yPos] [xPos]
[yDim] [xDim] [trackDur] [quality]
[speech] ff
pq = Face number, should be
less than or equal to pq given in
Parameters specified in
brackets are unsigned 16 bit
quantities, defined as “0p 0q
0r 0s”.
[tiltpos] and [panpos] are 16 bit
Make sure this message is not
routed through Sony cameras.
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