D14245.04—DECEMBER 2008 2
PrecisionHD 1080p Camera
User Guide
What’s in this user guide?
Getting started
The camera at a glance ............................................................4
HDMI and HD-SDI.....................................................................4
Cable lengths ...........................................................................4
Cascaded cameras ...................................................................4
Best view (face recognition) ......................................................5
Using Best View ........................................................................5
Connecting the camera
Connecting the camera ............................................................7
DIP switch settings for video output formats ............................8
Line voltage frequency ..............................................................8
Cameras in daisy chain .............................................................9
Cascaded cameras ...................................................................9
Making your own cables
Making your own cables ......................................................... 11
Controlling cameras from remote
Interfacing to the camera using the VISCA protocol ...............13
RS232 Parameters .............................................................. 13
RS232 Commands and inquiries ........................................ 13
VISCA messages ....................................................................13
Message Format .................................................................13
Network and interface commands .......................................... 14
Video mode selection .............................................................19
Method ...................................................................................19
DIP Switch ..............................................................................19
in this
user guide?
The TANDBERG PrecisionHD 1080p camera covered by this
User Guide is protected under copyright, patent, and other
intellectual property rights of various jurisdictions.
Copyright © TANDBERG 2008. All rights reserved.
This User Guide may be reproduced in its entirety, including
all copyright and intellectual property notices, in limited
quantities in connection with the use of the Product.
Except for the limited exception set forth in the previous
sentence, no part of this User Guide may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by
any means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopying,
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
TANDBERG. Requests for such permission should be
addressed to tandberg@tandberg.com.
The specifications for the Product and the information in this
document are subject to change at any time, without notice,
Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate
information in this User Guide. However, TANDBERG
assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or
inaccuracies that may appear in this document.