TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 72
this Media server require
different path or filename
information from that generated
by the Content Server. Enter
the URLs for the Main and Dual
video streams and choose
whether the filename will be
appended to the alternate
Media server configuration: Real Media Streaming Server
Only the Helix Streaming Server is supported for streaming Real Media content. Saving the Media
server configuration checks that the server is available at the specified server address and displays
the server type, if the information is available.
You can set up a Media server configuration for a Real Media Streaming Server to do live and/or on
demand streaming.
A descriptive name for the
Media server configuration.
The server name is used in the Template
and Manage outputs pages when selecting
a Media server configuration. This is a
required field.
The IP address or DNS name of
the server.
Select whether the server is to
support live streaming and to
display the Live streaming
settings section.
Select whether the server is to
support on demand streaming
and to display the Live on
demand settings section.
Either Server G2 or Server 90.
The port used for live streaming
off your Real Media server.
Ensure that you select ports
that are NOT being used by the
Content Server.
The ports used by the Content Server are
listed in Port Information.
The user name to authenticate
to the streaming server.
The password to authenticate to
the streaming server.
Select to use live URLs
generated by the Content
If you select this option, also enter the