
Technical Specification
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder Page B-9
B.3 Outputs
B.3.1 IF Outputs (1U, E5714)
Table B.12: IF OUT MAIN Specification (1U, E5714)
Item Specification
Safety status: SELV
Connector designation: IF OUT MAIN
Connector type: BNC, female 75 W
Output impedance: 75 W
Return loss: >18 dB, 35 < f < 105 MHz
Output power: –20 to +5 dBm in 0.1 dB steps
Power level stability: ±0.5 dB
Signal type: QPSK per EN 300 421
Symbol-rate (minimum) 0.46875 Msymbol/s
Fc (MHz) 50-60 60-80 80-90Symbol rate (maximum) vs
carrier frequency Fc:
Fc – 30 30 110 – Fc
Transmit symbol-rate accuracy: Within 15 ppm
Convolutional FEC rates: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8
Bit-rate (204 byte format: 2 x Rs x FEC Mbit/s
Rs = Symbol-rate (Msymbol/s)
FEC = FEC ratio (values listed above)
Power spectrum: Square root raised cosine, a = 0.35 per EN 300 421
Power spectrum (detail, nominal): Bandwidth/Rs ratio (BW/Rs) at power spectral density Co values (dB)
relative to the power spectral density Coo at the carrier (centre)
Co-Coo (dB) BW/Rs
-3 1.0
-6 1.13
-10 1.21
-20 1.32
-30 1.37
Carrier frequency Fc: 50 – 90 MHz
Carrier frequency step: 125 kHz
Carrier frequency accuracy: Within ± 7.5 kHz
Carrier suppression: >40 dB
IF spectrum inversion: Selectable on/off
Residual carrier, carrier OFF
< -70 dBm
Spurious outputs, modulated
< -60 dBc/4 kHz relative to unmodulated carrier, 0 < f < 500 MHz
excluding ±1.06 ´ Symbol Rate about the carrier frequency
Spurious outputs, unmodulated
< – 50 dBc
< - 55 dBc typical
0 < f < 500 MHz, each component
Carrier phase noise: Phase noise density (dBc/Hz) Frequency offset from carrier
< –83 100 Hz
< –85 1 kHz
< –95 10 kHz
< –110 100 kHz
Transmission modes: Modulation on/off
Carrier on/off