Options and Upgrades
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder Page 3-13
DVB ASI IN 1, 2 and 3 Connectors
A 75 W BNC connector provides an input to the unit.
Table 3.7: DVB ASI In Connector
Pin Signal
Centre Signal
Screen Ground
When connecting the inputs, always start from DVB ASI IN 1 and work upwards.
DVB ASI OUT 1 Connector
A 75 W BNC connector provides an output from the unit.
Table 3.8: DVB ASI Out Connector
Pin Signal
Centre Signal
Screen Ground
This output is disabled.
3.6.3 Stages of Remultiplexing
The Remultiplexer is capable of combining four inputs. Three inputs are in
the form of ASI feeds to the rear panel, the fourth input is fed from the
host Encoder (or primary Encoder). This basic configuration, using a single
stage of remultiplexing, means that four Encoder services (or streams) can
be combined together in the output. Figure 3.4 shows a typical satellite
system using one stage of remultiplexing.