
Instruction Manual: TT1260 Standard Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder Index-5
QPSK input card, 5-5
remote control connector, B-17, B-18
RS-422 data input module, B-18
satellite QPSK input, B-10, B-12
video analogue composite output, B-15
video composite output, B-4
video digital output, B-16
spread mode, 3-15
storage/transportation, B-19
summary alarm, 4-3
summary of features, 1-6
supply cord
general description, 2-6
switching on, 3-3
synchronous data output
RS-422 output connector, 5-8
control words, 3-13
GUI, 1-7
system, 1-7, 1-12
TANDBERG Director system
NCP control, 1-15
technical earth, 2-7, 2-8
teletext, C-7
transport stream (SPI) output
setting up, 3-15
transport stream demultiplexing, 1-7
transport stream output, 1-6
transport stream outputs, 1-8
TT1260/CABLE/XLR, 5-10
TT1260/HDC/ALRM, 2-14
TT1260/HWO/ASI, 5-3
TT1260/HWO/HM, 5-6
TT1260/HWO/HSDATA, 5-7
TT1260/HWO/QPSK, 5-4
TT1260/SWO/16QAM, 5-9
TT1260/SWO/8PSK, 5-9
TT1260/SWO/BISS, 5-10
TT1260/SWO/DIR, 5-10
TT1260/SWO/RAS, 5-9
TT1260/SWO/SP, 5-9
ventilation, 2-4
air flow, 2-4
baffles between adjacent units, 2-4
fan. See fan
forced air cooling in racks, 2-4
requirement for air space, 2-4
vertical blanking interval (VBI)
closed captions (CC), 1-7
inverted teletext, 1-7
Neilson coding, 1-7
re-insertion and signalling, B-5
vertical interval time code (VITC), 1-7
video index, 1-7
video test pattern generator, 1-7
world system teletext (WST), 1-7
vertical interval time code (VITC), 1-7
analogue composite output connector, B-15
analogue composite output connectors, 2-11
analogue composite output specification, B-15
decoding, 1-6
digital output connector, B-16
digital output specification, B-16
index, 1-7
performance, B-4
standards, B-15, B-16
supported resolutions, B-4
synchronisation to studio reference, 2-12
video decoding, 1-7
video outputs, 1-8
video programming system (VPS)
programme delivery and control (PDC), 1-7
video test pattern generator, 1-7
VideoGuard, 1-9, 1-15, 3-13
videoguard director, 1-17
videoguard director CA/TANDBERG director NCP software
key, 5-10
network ID menu, 3-13
PCR PID menu, 3-12
Viterbi decoding, 1-11
meaning of, vi
removing the covers, 1-3, 2-3
weight of equipment, B-19
what this manual describes, 1-3
who should use this manual, 1-3
width of equipment, B-19
wire colours, 2-6
world system teletext (WST), 1-7
XLR cable option, 5-10