Technical Specification
Instruction Manual: TT1260 Standard Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder Page B-3
B.1 Output
B.1.1 International Television Standards
Two composite video outputs are provided at the rear panel. These carry
identical video. The standard is selectable to PAL- I, B, G, D, N, M and
NTSC-M (with or without pedestal).
Table B.1: International Television Standards - 625 Line Output
As indicated in Menus: NTSC-M NTSC-NP PAL-M
Lines / frame 525 525 525
Fields / second 60 60 60
Interlace 2/1 2/1 2/1
Frames / second 30 (29.97) 30 (29.97) 30 (29.97)
Lines / second 15 750 15 750 15 750
Video band (MHz) 4.2 4.2 4.2
RF band (MHz) 6.0 6.0 6.0
FSC 3579545 3579545 357561149
Pedestal 7.5 0 7.5
Table B.2: International Television Standards - 525 Line Output
As indicated in Menus: PAL B/G/I PAL-N PAL-N CBN
Lines / frame 625 625 625
Fields / second 50 50 50
Interlace 2/1 2/1 2/1
Frames / second 25 25 25
Lines / second 15 625 15 625 15 625
Video band (MHz) 5.0/5.5 4.2 4.2
RF band (MHz) 7.0/8.0 6.0 6.0
FSC 4433618.75 4433618.75 3582056.25
Pedestal 0 7.5 0