
WARNING : Make all connections with power off.
1. Refer to the diagram above, and interconnect
multiple units through the EXT CONTROL OUT
and IN and the CASCADE OUTPUT and DECK 1
INPUT connectors.
2. Switch on power to each unit.
3. Make the following switch settings :
OFF/SLV/MSTR switch to MSTR on one unit, and
SLV on all the other units (any but only one unit can
be designated as the master).
REV MODE switch to ä on each unit.
4. Insert the source tape into deck 1 of the master unit,
and target tapes into all the other decks in use.
Suggestion : There is no problem if there are
slaves into which no tape is inserted.
5. If the reverse PLAY LED is blinking on any slaves,
press the Á button on deck 2 of the master unit.
If the reverse PLAY LED is blinking on deck 1 of
the master unit, press the Á on that deck.
Bear in mind that, in a multiple-unit system, the
transport control buttons on deck 1 of the master
unit are independent from all the other decks, while
the buttons on deck 2 of the master unit have effect
on decks 1 and 2 of every slave unit
6. If need be, rewind the source tape to the beginning
with the
REW button on deck 1 of the master.
Pressing the
REW button on deck 2 of the master
rewinds all the target tapes to their beginnings.
7. Press the
on the master unit, as required. For an explanation,
see steps 4 and 8 under the heading Dubbing From
Deck 1 Onto deck 2.
Upon pressing either DUB STDBY button, deck 1
of the master goes into Play Ready mode, and all
the other decks go into Record Ready mode.
If you have pressed a wrong button or changed your
mind and want to switch NORM to HI SPEED, or
vice versa, first press
STOP on deck 2 of the master.
Then, press
HI SPEED or NORM, as required.
8. Press the
SYNC REVERSE button on the master
The LED above the button will light steadily, while
the same LED on all the slaves will start blinking.
Simultaneous Dubbing onto Multiple Cassettes
Multiple-unit System Operation