MDOLBY NR switch : Selects the Dolby B or C
Noise Reduction system or defeats them. When
listening to a recording, set this switch to the setting
used for the original recording.
Dolby noise reduction and HX Pro headroom
extension manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories Licensing Corporation. HX Pro
originated by Bang & Olufsen.
“DOLBY”, the double-D symbol Î and “HX PRO”
are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing
N REV MODE switch : In non-reverse mode (Ä),
the tape stops recording or playing at the end of the
current tape side.
In reverse mode (ä), both sides of the tape
continue to play over and over until you press
STOP. Recording automatically continues from the
forward side of the tape to the reverse side,
stopping at the end of the reverse side. If started
from the reverse side, recording stops at the end of
that side — the same as in non-reverse mode.
The CONT position is for continuous play or
record from deck 1 to deck 2 with either a single or
multiple 302MKII system.
O INPUT controls : Adjust record level for the
individual deck 1 and deck 2.
P SLV/MSTR switch : Normally, leave this switch
OFF. Only when dubbing a tape onto, or recording
from an external single source on multiple units,
select SLV or MSTR.
Q INPUT/OUTPUT switch : Set to SEPARATE for
deck 1 and deck 2 to operate independently from
each other. With SEPARATE engaged, the inputs
and outputs on the rear panel are independent for
each deck. Only in DUAL REC mode, the inputs to
deck 1 have access to deck 2 as well.
In COMMON mode, the F FWD, REW, STOP, or
PLAY PAUSE buttons have the same effect on both
deck 1 and deck 2, at the same time. But, if deck 1
is playing and you press PLAY on deck 2, deck 1
stops. Only the inputs and outputs on deck 1 can be
R Tape Counter : Indicates in minutes and seconds
the elapsed time from any point on the tape selected
The tape counter is not a clock. The reading on the
tape counter is affected by the tape length, reel hub
diameter, and other mechanical factors.
S Peak Level Meters : Indicate tape signal levels
during playback, or input levels during Record
Ready and Record modes.
General Guide to the Controls and Connectors