CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
For example:
EORT = 6 s + (1--0.1(.5) x 1 s/divx10div+0
=6s+5 =11s, when:
Horizontal position = 6 s
Horizontal Ref = 50%
Time/Division = 1 s/div
Channel Deskew = 0 (set to minimum)
In this example, because 11 s is greater than 5 s, the current control settings
determine the minimum usable holdoff the instrument can use.
Timeof firstpoint Horizontal
reference point
Timeof lastpoint
Horizontal position
(19 nsmin.)
Trigger point
Time to EORT
Figure 3- 15: Trigger to End Of Record Time (EORT)
Requested vs Actual Holdoff. The instrument operates with two holdoff values:
H Requested -- the last value requested in the Trigger Setup dialog box. You
can set times from 5 s - 50 ms, but the time requested becomes the actual
time used only if it meets the requirements just described for Actual.
Otherwise, the holdoff-time value requested is held for later use as described
for Actual.
H Actual -- in effect the holdoff time; that is, the time the instrument is using or
will use when acquiring data. The instrument uses it when the minimum
usable holdoff (determined as described in Usable Holdoff, on page 3--46) is
greater than the requested value. The instrument retains and changes to the
requested value if the user changes control settings such that the requested
value exceeds the minimum usable holdoff. Actual values can range from
5 s--55ms.