CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Channel number
The number assigned to a specific signal input channel of an installed
sampling module. Assignment of channel numbers is described in Maximum
Configuration on page 1--11.
Channel waveforms
Waveforms resulting from signals input into sampling-module channels and
digitized and acquired by the instrument. See Live Waveforms.
Control knob
see Knob
The association of two or more circuits or systems in such a way that power
or information can be transferred from one to the other. This instrument
supports direct coupling only at its inputs; the user must provide any
alternate coupling (ac, frequency filtering) externally.
Any of three styles of paired markers that you can use to make measurements
betwee n two wave for m locations. The instrument displays the value s (expre ssed
in vertical or horizontal units) of the position of each cursor and the distance
between the two cursors.
Delay time
See Horizontal Delay.
The process of converting a continuous ana log signal such as a waveform to a
set of discrete numbers repr e senting the amplitude of the signal at spec ific
points in time. Digitizing is composed of two steps: sampling and quantizing.
Display system
The part of the instrument that displays the three graticules, one each for the
Main, Mag1, and Mag2 time bases, the waveforms, and other display related
elements (waveform labels, cursors, test masks, measurement annotations,
The act of changing your selection either by clicking (mouse) or touching
(touchscreen) a point on the screen and pulling across the screen while
holding down the key (mouse) or maintaining contact with your finger