Performance Verification
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
20. In the Real Time Analyzer window, click the Start Analysis toolbar button.
21. Verify that the Hierarchic view is displayed on the screen and that no error
messages appear. In addition, verify that the transmission rate is 40 Mbps
and that the transport stream packet size is 188 bytes.
22. Select Interrupt transfer from the Acq/Gen menu in the Data Store
Administrator window stop the signal generation.
23. In the Real Time Analyzer window, click the Stop Analysis toolbar button
to stop analysis.
24. Press the START/STOP button on the MPEG generator to stop the
signal output.
This test confirms that the EXT 27 MHz REFERENCE IN input on the MPEG
generator is functioning correctly. The following equipment and MPEG test
signal is required for this test:
H MPEG test system
H Signal generator
H 75 W BNC cable
H 50 W BNC cable
H N-to-BNC adapter
H test64.trp MPEG test signal
Perform the following procedure to verify that the EXT 27 MHz REFERENCE
IN input on the MPEG generator is functioning correctly:
1. Use the 75 W BNC cable to connect the ASI OUT connector on the MPEG
generator to the ASI IN connector on the rear panel of the MPEG test system
as shown in Figure 4-10.
2. Use the 50 W BNC cable and the N-to-BNC adapter to connect the
EXT 27 MHz REFERENCE IN connector on the MPEG generator to the
OUTPUT connector on the signal generator as shown in Figure 4-10.
3. Set the signal generator output for a 27.0000 MHz, 0.0 dBm signal.
4. Open the test64.trp file on the MPEG generator.
a. Select Open TS File... from the FILE pull-down menu.
b. In the resulting Select TS File dialog box, select the test64.trp file, and
then press the OK bezel button.
External Reference Input