Removal and Installation Procedures
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
Procedure for Internal Modules
Perform the Access Procedure (on page 6-17) before doing any procedure in this
group. The procedures are presented in the order listed:
H Fan
H Floppy Disk Drive
H Data Hard Disk Drive
H System Hard Disk Drive
H Display module
H Power supply unit
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. You need a screwdriver with a size #2 Phillips
tip (Items 1 and 3).
b. Locate the fan in the locator diagram Internal modules, Figure 6-3, page
2. Orient the instrument: Set the MPEG generator so its bottom is down on the
work surface and its right side is facing you.
3. Remove the fan: See Figure 6-10.
a. Remove the A10 Main board as described on page 6-37.
b. Unplug the two fan’s power cables from J290 and J295.
c. Remove the four screws securing the fan and side cover to the chassis,
and lift the fan away from the chassis. When removing the other fan,
remove the four screws securing the fan and side cover to the chassis.
4. Reinstallation: Do step 3 in reverse order to reinstall the fans.