P6249 4 GHz 5X Active Probe Instruction Manual
Product Description
The Tektronix P6249 is a 4 GHz (probe only), 5X active FET probe
with 1 pF input capacitance. The P6249 has a low input capacitance
and high input resistance which minimize circuit loading over a wide
bandwidth range. The small profile and low-mass head of the P6249
make probing crowded circuits by hand fast and easy. The accessory
tips and adapters included with the probe enable the P6249 to be
used on a wide variety of circuit architectures.
The P6249 is powered through a TEKPROBE interface between the
probe compensation box and the oscilloscope. The P6249 can be
used with non-TEKPROBE oscilloscopes and instruments by using
the optional Tektronix 1103 Probe Power Supply.
The following options are available when ordering the P6249 probe:
H Option D1 – Calibration Data
H Option C3 – 3 years Calibration Service
H Option D3 – 3 years Calibration Data
H Option R3 – 3 years Extended Warranty
Standard Accessories
The P6249 is shipped with the following standard accessories:
H Standard probe tips
H SureFoot adapter probe tips
H SureToe adapter probe tips
H SMT KlipChip microcircuit test leads
H Y-lead adapter