P6249 4 GHz 5X Active Probe Instruction Manual
Performance Verification
Use the following procedures to verify the warranted specifications
of the P6249 probe. Before beginning these procedures, refer to
page 47 and photocopy the test record and use it to record the
performance test results. The recommended calibration interval is
one year.
These procedures test the following specifications:
H Output offset voltage
H DC attenuation accuracy
H Rise time
Equipment Required
Refer to Table 7 for a list of the equipment required to verify the
performance of your probe.
Table 7: Equipment required for performance verification
Item Description
Recommended Example
Oscilloscope TEKPROBE interface Tektronix TDS 694C
Sampling Oscilloscope Tektronix 11801
Sampling Head Tektronix SD24
TEKPROBE Power Supply Tektronix 1103
Calibration Step Generator 067-1338-0X
Adapter Probe tip 015-0678-00
DC Power Supply 1 VDC at 1 mA Tektronix PS280
DMM 0.5% accuracy at 2 VDC Tektronix TX3
Feedthrough Termination
50 W ±0.05 W