
P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instruction Manual
Square pin
Figure 10: Twisting the input leads
Extending the Ground Lead
Extending the ground lead will have little, if any, affect on your
measurements. In most circ uits, the ground path from the differential
source has sufficiently high impedance to damp out any ringing
caused by lead inductance.
Extending the Probe Output
With the 1103 TEKPROBE power supply, it is possible to extend the
output of the probe to connect the probe to other types of measure-
ment instruments or to connect the probe to a signal source that is
outside the reach of the probe.
Terminating the Probe
The probe must terminate into 50 at the input of the measurement
instrument. Use the 1103 TEKPROBE power supply to adapt the
differential probe and set the input impedance of the measurement
instrument to 50 . If the measurement instrument does not support
50 input termination, connect a 50 coaxial terminator on the