Performance Verification
P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instructi on Manual
8. Disconnect the BNC-SMA adapter from the CH 1 input of the
1103 power supply and the SMA cable.
9. Connect the SMA cable to one input of the probe cal fixture, and
the terminator to the other input of the probe cal fixture.
10. Connect the probe to the 1103 power supply channel 1 input.
11. Turn off the offset control on channel 1 of the 1103 power supply.
12. Using the probe positioner, probe the DM test points on the probe
calibration fixture. Compare your display to Figure 22 to verify
that you have a valid connection with both pins.
(--) pin not making contact
Both pins in contact
20% Gain
500 ps/div
Figure 22: Verifying both probe pins are contacting the DM test points
13. Adjust the oscilloscope vertical scale to 10 mV/div, averaging on.
14. Adjust the oscilloscope horizontal positioning to place the rising
edge of the signal so that it crosses the second vertical and center
horizontal graticule line s.
15. Use the oscilloscope measurement capability to display rise time.
Rise time is determined from the 10% and 90% amplitude points
on the waveform. Record the rise time as t
16. Calculate the probe rise time using the following formula:
= t
− t
17. Record the calculated probe rise time on the test record.