Adjustment Procedures
VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserter Instruction Manual
7. Set VITS selection DIP S1, segments 1 through 4, to 0001 (segments 1, 2,
and 3 closed and segment 4 open). See Figure 6–3 for the location of S1.
8. Set the waveform/vector monitor for line select and select line 17, all fields.
9. Set the waveform/vector monitor waveform gain to X5.
10. Adjust Test Signal Gain, R122, for a bar amplitude of 714 mV.
Adjust frequency response characteristics with the following steps.
1. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the output of the television test signal
generator to the VITS inserter PROGRAM IN.
2. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the VITS inserter PROGRAM OUT to
the waveform/vector monitor Ch A Input, terminate remaining side of the
loop-through input with a 75 W terminator.
3. Select the Sin X/X signal from the television test signal generator.
4. Set the waveform/vector monitor waveform gain to X5.
5. Adjust T2 for matched Sin X/X signal pulse tips.
NOTE. When T2 is adjusted during manufacture, a spot of glue is applied to
prevent vibrations from changing the setting. Avoid removing the glue unless
adjustment is necessary.
6. Remove the 75 W coaxial cable from the VITS inserter PROGRAM IN.
7. Connect the multiburst output from the television test signal generator/sync
pulse generator (TSG/SPG) to the peak-to-peak detector head input with two
75 W coaxial cables and a female-to-female BNC adapter, as shown in
Figure 6–6.
Frequency Response