Appendix A: Options
VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserter Instruction Manual
Table A–2: Option 1J Factory Programmed VITS Insertions
Line Field Signal
17 1 FCC Composite signal
17 2 Multiburst
18 1 and 2 Pass*
19 1 Color Bars (No Setup)
19 2 Pass*
20 1 Sin X/X
20 2 Red Field (Luminance and Chrominance altered)
* Passed lines are not deleted or inserted by the VITS 100 NTSC VITS Inserter
Option 1M
The VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserter with Option 1M is designed to genlock to a
PAL-M color television signal. This option permits use of the VITS inserter in
conjuction with a VM700A Video Measurement Set. When two VITS100 NTSC
VITS Inserters are used, as described below, you can use a VM700A Option 1
(NTSC) to make PAL-M system measurements. The VM700A Video Measure-
ment Set Option 11 (PAL) cannot be used because it relies on a 50 Hz field rate,
rather than the 60 Hz rate of the PAL-M standard.
This application uses two VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserters, connected as shown
in Figure A–4, to make the automated vertical interval measurements from the
VM700A menu. The first VITS inserter genlocks to the PAL-M signal and
inserts NTSC VITS signals into the vertical interval. This instrument is locked to
both sync and burst and is operating in a standard insertion mode.
The second VITS inserter, located near the VM700A Video Measurement Set,
operates in the bypass mode. The video measurement set input is from the VITS
inserter MONITOR OUT, which is an NTSC signal with PAL-M active video.
VITS signals that have traversed the entire plant can be measured, but measure-
ments that relate to sync and burst can only be made on the inserted NTSC sync
and burst.
NOTE. The VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserter used with the VM700A Video Measure-
ment Set must remain in bypass mode at all times; if it does not, the inserted
sync and color burst will be distributed throughout the plant. Do not rely on the
front-panel BYPASS switch; instead, hard wire the rear-panel REMOTE
connector (as shown in Figure A–4) to force the VITS inserter to remain in
bypass mode.
Making Measurements
with Option 1M