
2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 2 Preparation and Installation
Figure 2-7 Flowlink low-voltage warning
A 2196EX module kept in storage for extended periods should
be recharged approximately every six to nine months. The bat-
tery voltage should never be allowed to fall below 10.5 volts
before recharging. Deep discharge of the lead-acid batteries
can lead to permanent loss of capacity.
Charging The 2196EX module requires a lead-acid battery charger with a
maximum rating of 20 volts, 2 amps. The module is fused for pro-
tection against excessive current (see Figure 2-9).
Do not charge the 2196EX in a potentially explosive
environment. Charge only in a safe area.
When charging the 2196EX, observe maximum voltage
ratings of Um = 250V and Un = 20V. The charger output must
not exceed 20 volts or 2 amperes as labeled.
In order to recharge the batteries, the 2196EX module case must
be opened. Unlike other 2100 modules, which have two desiccant
holders, the 2196EX has only one, located on the inside of the
right compartment door.
During the charging process, the 2196EX case must remain
open, exposing the desiccant to the atmosphere. Teledyne
Isco recommends storing the desiccant in an airtight container
while charging the batteries. Check the humidity indicator on
the inside of the door whenever it is opened and ensure that
only dry desiccant is installed when re-sealing the case.