
2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 5 Maintenance
5.3 2191EX Batteries When connected to a 2191EX battery module, the 2150EX is
powered by either two LTC2191EX 8 volt lithium battery packs or
two SLA2191EX 8 volt lead-acid battery packs, which are stored in
the 2191EX. These packs are sealed and explosion protected, so
they can be safely removed and replaced in a potentially explosive
To avoid overloading the fuses in the LTC2191EX lithium
battery packs, disconnect the 2150EX module(s) before
installing or replacing the lithium battery packs. The
SLA2191EX lead-acid battery packs do not contain fuses,
and do not require that the 2150EX module(s) be
The two types of battery packs differ in that the lead-acid bat-
teries are rechargeable. Because they do not contain fuses, the
lead-acid batteries do not require the same installation precau-
tions as the lithium batteries.
5.3.1 LTC2191EX Lithium
The lithium battery packs should give you several months of
service, depending upon your data storage intervals (see Table
1-5). Because the fuses in the battery packs can blow if over-
loaded, take care when installing the packs.
Measuring Input Voltage Input voltage can be monitored while you are connected to the
2150EX with Flowlink. The 2150EX also can record input voltage
readings. Keep in mind that battery discharge rates vary widely
depending on the your system’s operating environment.
If the fuse in a battery pack is overloaded, it will blow the fuse
and the battery pack will need to be replaced. To avoid over-
loading the fuses, be sure to disconnect the 2150EX module(s)
before installing or replacing battery packs.
If you suspect a blown fuse, or cannot connect to Flowlink to
check the input voltage, you can use a volt meter to measure the
voltage. DO NOT remove the battery packs and apply a volt
meter directly to the packs. For safety reasons, the packs have an
internal voltage regulator that shuts the voltage off when the
battery packs are not installed.
Instead, measure the voltage by disconnecting the 2150EX
module(s) from the 2191EX battery module and attaching the
volt meter to the connector on top of the 2191EX. Check the
battery packs individually, not as a pair.
When using the above method to check voltage, use care
not to short any pins.
Battery Replacement Batteries should be replaced according to the instructions below.
The batteries should be replaced with:
two new 8 volt lithium battery packs
(P/N 68-2000-022).