6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 1 Introduction
The appendices are:
• Appendix A, Menu Flowcharts
• Appendix B, Material Safety Data Sheets
• Appendix C, General Safety Procedures
• Appendix D, Replacement Parts
• Appendix E, Accessories List
1.2 About 700 Series
The bay on the controller’s side accepts any of Teledyne Isco’s 700
Series Modules. The 700 Series includes:
• 701 pH Parameter Module for monitoring pH and
• 710 Ultrasonic Module for monitoring a flow stream’s
level and flow rate with an ultrasonic level sensor.
• 720 Submerged Probe Module for monitoring a flow
stream’s level and flow rate with a submerged probe.
• 730 Bubbler Flow Module for monitoring a flow stream’s
level and flow rate with a bubbler system.
• 750 Area Velocity Module for monitoring a flow stream’s
level, velocity, and flow rate.
• 780 4-20mA Input Module for interfacing to non-Isco
devices with 4 to 20 milliampere output signals.
The modules are optional accessories, and are not required for
operation. However, the modules offer a number of advantages:
they are an economical way to combine flow rate or parameter
monitoring with sampling, and you can program the samplers
and modules as a single unit. Finally, the samplers store the
readings in memory.
1.3 SDI-12 Sondes As an option, the sampler accepts up to 16 parameters from up to
ten sensors with SDI-12 addresses from 0 - 9 (refer to SDI-12
Sonde Readings, page 1-10, for specific parameters).
The data parameters used by the sensing device (sonde) and
recording device (sampler) must match. Certain vendors’ sondes
have enhanced commands that facilitate “plug and play” setup.
These Isco Ready sondes can tell the 6712FR what values they
have, their order, and units of measure. Other sondes can be
used, but require manual setup to identify proper data types for
each data value reported.
1.4 Memory to Store
Monitoring Data
The samplers contain enough memory to store five sampling pro-
grams, sampling data, Isco 700 Series Module readings, and
SDI-12 parameter readings. You can view the readings on your
sampler’s display.
You can also retrieve the readings and reports so the information
can be processed on a personal computer. Readings and reports
may be collected with a computer running Teledyne Isco’s
Flowlink™ software. Flowlink can download the information
through a direct connection, a modem connection (when the
sampler is equipped with the optional dial-out modem or con-