6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 3 Programming Introduction
(If a module is attached, a different screen may appear first. See
the module manual for more information.)
Table 3-1 About the Keypad
Key Name Function
Standby Turns sampler on or off.
Stops the pump or distributor. Pauses a running sampling program.
In programming screens, returns to a previous screen.
Enter Accepts a menu choice or number entry and goes to next screen.
Help In programming screens, displays a brief help message.
Selects the menu option right or below the current choice.
Up-Left Arrow Selects the menu option left or above the current choice.
Numbers Types a number.
Decimal Point Types a decimal point.
Pump Reverse Press when at the main menu to run the pump in reverse.
Press when at the main menu to run the pump forward.