Teledyne Analytical Instruments 14
nominally 125 volts. Output tolerance is ±10 volts from the specified
125 volts.
2.3.3 Flame Guard Circuit
A thermistor-controlled, transistorized switching circuit is employed
to operate a relay in the event of a flameout condition. A panel indicator
light and fuel shut-off solenoid valve are operated by the relay to alarm
personnel that a flameout condition has occurred. The fuel shut-off
solenoid valve stops the hydrogen flow.
2.3.4 Flame Ignition Circuit
The flame ignition circuit includes the anode-igniter electrode (in the
detector cell), a transformer, and processor-controlled relay. The circuit
is automatically energized when the FID cools due to lack of flame.
If automatic ignition fails five times, there will be a message that
reports this, and the flame can be manually ignited by pressing
simultaneously the Up and Down key.