Teledyne Analytical Instruments 35
11. MODIFIABLE ITEM screens have a flashing value
somewhere in the line. MAIN MENUS
The MAIN MENU consists of 13 functions you can use to customize
and check the operation of the analyzer. They are listed here with brief
1. AUTO-CAL: Used to define and/or start an automatic calibration
sequence. AUTOCAL is not available for standard
configurations of the 4030.
2. GAIN: Used to change the amplification of the incoming signal.
This is factory set, and should not change.
3. PASSWORD: Used to establish password protection or change
the existing password.
4. LOGOUT: Logging out prevents unauthorized tampering with the
analyzer settings.
5. MODEL: Displays Manufacturer, Model, and Software version of
the instrument.
6. SELF-TEST: The instrument performs a self-diagnostic routine to
check the integrity of the power supply, and output boards.
7. SPAN: Set up and/or start a span calibration
8. ALARMS: Used to set the alarm set points and determine whether
each alarm will be active or defeated, HI or LO acting, and
failsafe or not.
RANGE: Used to set up three analysis ranges that can be
switched automatically. With auto-ranging or used as individual
fixed ranges.
ANALOG-OUT ADJUST: Adjust the analog output with offset and
scaling for Channel 1 only.
11. CHANGE STREAM: Not available.
12. TIMING: Low-level application specific timing parameters.
Factory set. Do not change these.
13. STANDBY: Removes power to outputs and displays, but
maintains power to internal circuitry.
Any function can be selected at anytime. Just scroll through the
MAIN MENU with the DOWN/UP keys to the appropriate function, and