
Preparation Filling with Ingredients
Before using your Breadmaker for the first time, wash Ensure you have all the ingredients to hand. Carefully fill
the inside of the bread pan, the kneading paddle, and the pan making sure you don’t leave any ingredients
the measuring utensils in hot soapy water. Rinse and dry out. When filling, it is essential that the ingredients are
well. Wipe the interior of the lid and the exterior of the filled in the prescribed order, otherwise the bread will
bread pan and appliance with a damp cloth. not be properly baked.
To open the lid: Lift the handle and hold it with both
hands. Turn the bread pan anticlockwise (REMOVE).
The pan may now be lifted out.
The ingredients should be at a warm room temperature
(20º-25ºC). If the room is cold (below 18ºC), use warm
water (40ºC) to make sure the yeast ferments fully. To
gauge the temperature if you do not have a
thermometer, heat some water and slowly add this to a
jug of cold water until the resulting temperature is barely
warm to the touch.
Measure and add the water to the pan. Next add the salt
and the other dry ingredients. Finally add the yeast. It is
essential to keep the yeast away from the salt and the
water before mixing commences ore the bread will not
rise properly.
Clean off any spills around the outside of the bread pan
and lower it into the breadmaker, reversing the process
described earlier.
Make sure the drive shaft in the bread pan is clean and
Using the handle, lower the pan into the Bread maker.
free from crumbs or pieces of dough.
Turn clockwise (LOCK) to secure the pan firmly in place.
Position the kneading paddle on the shaft (it will fit only
one way round). Push it firmly into place. If the paddle is
insecure it may come off when kneading and the
ingredients will not be properly mixed.
Lay the handle back on the pan. Close the lid.
The ingredients are now ready for baking.
Using the Breadmaker
Dry Ingredients
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CARROT BREAD (Use the Basic Programme)
¾cup water at room temp. (around 20°C)
¼ cup plain yoghurt
1 cup carrots (grated)
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp molasses (or dark brown muscovado sugar)
2¼ cups strong white bread flour
1 cup wholemeal bread flour
1 tbsp dried milk
1½ tsp salt
¼ cup walnuts (chopped)
1½ tsp dried yeast
(Use the Whole Wheat Programme set to Light Crust)
/3 cup water at room temp. (around 20°C)
1 tbsp vegetable cooking oil
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp honey
1 /8 cups wholemeal bread flour
¾ tsp vanilla essence
½ cup mashed banana
2 tbsp butter (chopped into pieces)
2 tbsp dried milk
2½ cups strong white bread flour
1 tsp white sugar
2 tsp dried yeast
FOCACCIA (Use Basic or Quick Programme)
/3 cup water at room temp. (around 20°C)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
2¼ cups strong white bread flour
2 tsp a mixture of freshly chopped thyme,
marjoram and sage*
1 tsp white sugar
1 tsp dried yeast
This will make a small (approx. 500g) rounded loaf.
* If you use dried herbs, reduce the quantity by half as dried
herbs have a stronger flavour.
TOMATO BREAD (Use Basic or Quick Programme)
1 cup* water at room temp. (around 20°C)
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp salt
3 /3 cups strong white bread flour
30 g (2¼oz) sundried tomatoes
½ tsp dried yeast
* made up from the water used to soak the tomatoes plus fresh
water. (see below)
Firstly, soak the tomatoes in a little hot water for 15 min. Drain
and chop into pieces, reserving the water.
You can add the tomatoes together with all the other
ingredients at the beginning of the programme. This will give a
blended character to the loaf.
Alternatively, you can add the tomatoes midway through the
cycle. This will retain their individual character and give more
flavour to the bread
BRIOCHE (Use the Cake Programme)
2¼ tbsp water at room temp. (around 20°C)
¾ tsp salt
3 medium eggs, beaten
2½ cups strong white bread flour
75 g (3oz) butter (chopped into pieces)
1½ tbsp caster sugar
2½ tsp dried yeast
Note: If you prefer your brioche with a lighter crust, stop the
programme 25 min. from the end and remove the loaf.
PIZZA DOUGH (Use the Dough Programme)
1½ cups water at room temp. (around 20°C)
2½ tbsp olive oil
4½ cups strong white bread flour
2½ tbsp sugar
1½ tsp salt
2¼ tsp dried yeast
This should be sufficient for three 12” (300mm) Pizza bases.
Roll into circles on a floured surface and pinch the edges up to
form a rim. Place on a greased baking sheet, cover with the
pizza toppings of your choice and bake at Gas Mk.6 / 200ºC
/400ºF for 15 mins.
If desired, you can re-prove the dough for 10 - 20 mins. by
covering the formed base with a cloth and leaving it in a warm
place on the greased baking sheet before adding the
BUN DOUGH (Use the Dough Programme)
/3cup water at room temp. (around 20°C)
2 eggs, beaten
2 tbsp margarine
3 cups strong white bread flour
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
2 tsp dried yeast
When the programme is completed, mould into 15 torpedo
shapes on a greased baking sheet. Leave the dough to re-
prove for 10 -20 mins (method as for pizza dough, above)
When the programme is completed, mould into 15 balls and
re-prove for 10 - 20 mins. Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Using a wooden spoon, roll the doughnuts in caster sugar
while they are still hot. Take care not to burn yourself.
Wholemeal (Whole Wheat) Bread Recipes
Here are some tried and tested recipes for making a variety of
excellent wholemeal breads.
RECIPE 1 (Use the Whole Wheat Programme)
1 /3cups water at room temp. (around 20°C)
1 tbsp vegetable cooking oil
1 tsp salt
3 /3 cups wholemeal bread flour
1 tsp white sugar
2 tsp dried yeast
Grip handle
1/8 cup 15 grams
1/4 cup 30 grams
1/3 cup 40 grams
3/8 cup 45 grams
1/2 cup 60 grams
5/8 cup 70 grams
2/3 cup 75 grams
3/4 cup 85 grams
7/8 cup 100 grams
1 cup 110 grams
Lift pan