
KEEP WARM FUNCTION Start, Stop & Safety Cut-out
When the baking cycle has ended the Breadmaker
The START STOP button serves to start or to stop the
keeps the bread warm for one hour. After one hour the
program. Only press this button after you have selected
Breadmaker will automatically switch off.
the Menu Program, Crust Colour (and the Delay Time if
required). As the button is pressed you will hear a beep,
the machine will start and the timer display will count
Programs 1-7 offer 3 degrees of crust which you can
down. The symbol will flash when the machine is running
select by repeatedly pressing the COLOR button. You
or the delay function has been activated.
can choose Medium, Dark or Light crust. Crust Control
is not appropriate for the other programs.
Stopping the Breadmaker in an Emergency
Keep the START/STOP button depressed for 3 seconds.
Switching On
Only do this in an emergency, as the machine will reset to
When the appropriate program and crust has been
the beginning of its program: You must then begin again,
selected, press the START/STOP button to start. Do not
the ingredients may be ruined and need replacement.
switch the Breadmaker off until the cycle is complete.
Adding Ingredients
Delay Timer
If the bread maker program menu is set at Basic, French,
The time delay function allows you to delay the start time
Whole Wheat, Sweet, Sandwich, beeps are heard during
of baking by up to 12 hours, depending on the length of
the second kneading process. These inform you when
the baking cycle. All programs can be combined with
extra ingredients may be added. During breadmaking,
the time delay function.
open the lid of the Breadmaker only at the times specified.
If the dough contains fresh milk, fruit or onions, do not
If the lid is opened at any other time, the quality of the
select the time delay function, but bake the dough
bread may be adversely affected.
immediately. We also suggest that you do not use this
Memory Recall
function with the CAKE program.
If the power supply is temporarily interrupted,the process of
Setting the Delay Timer
bread making will continue automatically when power is
Example: It is 8.00 p.m. and you want to have fresh
restored. If the power cut exceeds15 minutes the the bread
bread (using the Basic setting) at 7.00 a.m.
maker must be restarted manually. If the process has gone
no further than the kneading phase when the power supply
The difference between now (8:00 p.m) and 7:00 a.m.
is cut off, you may press the “START/STOP”button to
is 11 hours. Plug the breadmaker in. The preset cycle of
resume the program from the beginning
3:00 hours will be displayed.
Error Displays
If you try to use the Breadmaker when the internal
temperature in is too high the display shows H:HH. Switch
the Breadmaker off, remove the pan, leave the lid open
and wait until the Breadmaker has cooled down.
If the display shows E:EE after you have pressed START, the
temperature sensor is inoperative. Have the Breadmaker
examined by a competent repair facility.
When The Bread Has Baked
When the program is completed the display shows 0:00
and the appliance beeps 10 times. The pan may now be
removed from the Breadmaker.
If you keep the + or buttons pressed, they will cycle to
a maximum of 13:00 hours and reset to the preset
Lift the lid. Using a pair of oven gloves, remove the pan
program time (in this case 3:00 hours)
from the Breadmaker following the procedure on Page 4.
Place the bread pan on a heatproof surface and leave it
The timer display shows in hours and minutes the total
for 10 minutes. Invert the bread pan over a breadboard or
time left until the bread is finished (including the delay
other heat resistant surface and tap the bread pan lightly
added and the program time) It does not display the 1
to release the bread. The bread should now be allowed to
hour "keep warm" time after the program is finished
cool on a heatproof rack before use. If the paddle has got
Remember to press the START button to commence the
stuck in the loaf, remove it with the paddle puller tool, a
timer countdown - otherwise nothing will happen. 1f
melamine fork or other suitable tool.
you set the timer incorrectly after the start button has
Note: Always use a rack. If you leave the bread to cool on
been pressed, you are able to switch off and reset the
a normal work surface, water vapour in the bread will not
delay period again only if mixing has not started.
evaporate and the bottom of the loaf may be spoiled.
Cold Weather
machine in normal orientation. This is particularly
important for the heavier breads.
Although the Breadmaker works perfectly well at low
temperatures, if your kitchen is cold the bread may not
12. Turn the pan upside down and gently tap or
be satisfactory. Ideally, bread should be baked in an
shake the bread from the pan. Occasionally, the paddle
ambient temperature around 20ºC (70ºF).
will stay in the loaf; wait until the loaf is cool and then
remove the paddle with a wooden utensil to avoid
Breadmaker Operating Sequence
damage to the non-stick surface. If you need to aid
I. Open the lid and remove the baking pan by
removal of bread from the pan use only wooden or
raising the handle and twisting anticlockwise to the
heatproof plastic utensils.
REMOVE position. Lift the pan out and place it on the
work surface.
13. Leave the bread on a rack to cool. Make sure the
2. Ensure that the paddle is attached to the spindle
paddle has been removed before slicing the bread.
inside the baking pan (this simply pushes on) Make sure
14. Always unplug the appliance after use.
the paddle is fitted the right way round.
Note: When the Breadmaker is operating only open
3. Measure the ingredients as required and add
the lid at the prescribed places in the baking cycle.
them all into the pan. There Is no need to mix the
Failure to observe this will affect the quality of the bread,
ingredients before hand, the Breadmaker will do this.
especially its ability to rise properly.
4. When adding the yeast to the baking pan, take
care that the yeast does not come into contact with the
Weighing and Measuring Ingredients
water or any other liquid as It will start to activate
The next few pages contain a series of recipes to help
you get acquainted with the facilities available on your
Note: All our recipes and those that are available
new Breadmaker. If you are to get the best results it is
elsewhere are based on yeast specially intended for
breadmakers, available in sachet form.
vital that your measurements are careful and accurate
as small differences in key ingredients can have a huge
This applies especially when using the delay timer.
effect on the final result.
5. Do not overfill the baking pan This will affect the
bread and may damage the appliance. Using the pan
Use a clear container for measuring
handle, place the baking pan in the Breadmaker and
liquids and measure at eye level. If
twist clockwise to the LOCK position. Close the lid of the
you measure from above or below
you will not get an accurate reading. The measuring cup
6. Plug the appliance into the power supply (you will
provided has scales marked in cups, millilitres (ml) and
hear one long beep). The appliance will automatically
fluid ounces (fl.oz.) to help you measure the ingredients
be set to the BASIC program with the crust setting at
correctly. Always fill the liquid exactly to the marked line.
MEDIUM. The display wilI show 3:00
If you are measuring dry ingredients by weight, use a
7. Select the required program by pressing the
good pair of kitchen scales calibrated in grammes (and
MENU button until the number corresponding to the
Imperial if you prefer).
program appears. Remember to select the loaf size and
the crust colour .
NOTE: Where the abbreviations tsp. (teaspoon) and
8. Press the START/STOP button to start the
tbsp. (tablespoon) appear in the recipes they refer to the
machine. When the program is completed the display
supplied measuring spoon. Use this spoon as other
shows 0:00 and the appliance will beep 10 times. The
utensils may not yield the correct amounts. Spoon
1hour “Keep Warm” time is not displayed.
measurements must be level. Rounded or heaped
9. When the program is completed and the bread is
measures may not yield the proper results.
baked the “keep warm” function will operate for a
further hour. After a period of 1 hour the breadmaker
will again beep 10 times and then switch off. For best
results, stop the breadmaker with the START/STOP
button and remove the baking pan within this period.
10. Take care when removing the bread. The baking
The capacity of the Breadmaker is sufficient to bake a
pan is very hot. To remove the baking pan open the Lid
900g loaf, or to raise the equivalent amount of dough
and, using oven gloves because the pan is still hot,
for baking elsewhere. Do not exceed this amount
remove the pan, Using the handle, twist the pan anti-
otherwise the mechanism may be damaged, or the
clockwise to the REMOVE position and lift out.
dough may rise through the appliance lid.
11. Let the pan cool for about 10 minutes out of the
Page 6 Page 7
Set the display time to 11:00.
(The time difference between now
and when you want the bread)
Press to add time
in 10 minute steps.
Press to deduct time
in 10 minute steps.
Press START/STOP to start
time delayed baking