C.3 Keyboard Navigation
The keys shown in Table C-1 can be used to navigate through the PC-Doctor
Table C-1 PC-Doctor Key Assignments
In addition, when you select All Tests from the Diagnostics menu, the Test
Selection Menu that appears uses the keys listed in Table C-2:
Table C-2 Test Selection Menu Special Keys
C.4 Mouse Navigation
You can also use a mouse with the user interface. Use the left mouse
button to choose objects (menu entries and action codes in square
brackets). Use the right mouse button as you would the ESC key to take
you back to your previous step. Click on the ? in the upper left corner of
the screen for context-sensitive help Menus.
Key Description
Cursor Keys Moves the highlighted pointer.
ENTER Selects the highlighted option.
ESC Cancels current function and goes back
one step.
Activates context-sensitive help.
Activates the online documentation.
PageUp/PageDn Moves the screen one page at a time
Prints the log.
Key Description
Space Bar Enables/Disables the selected test.
ENTER Enables/Disables the selected test.
Activates Test Options Menu
F5 Runs the selected tests.
Disables all tests.
C-2 Diagnostics