Expansion Station (0 = Not installed,
1 = Installed)
SCSI Option (0 = Not installed, 1 = Installed)
External Keyboard (0 = Not installed,
1 = Installed)
Numeric Keypad (Always returns 1)
Battery 1 (Always returns 1)
Battery 2 (Always returns 0)
CL = Amount of RAM installed (in MB)
DH = Major version number (only if called with DX=6974h)
DL = Minor version number (only if called with DX=6974h)
DS:DI = Address of Machine Name (only if called with BX=4954h)
ES:SI = Address of the Version String (only if called with BX=4954h)
F.11 Function FAh - Subfunction 00h
Get RAM Information
Returns the amount of system and video RAM in the computer.
Call with:
AH = FAh
AL = 00h
AH = Error Code
00h = No Error
86h = Invalid Parameter
AL = Amount of System RAM installed (in MB)
BH = Reserved (returns 00h for now)
BL = Amount of Video RAM installed (in 64K)
CY = Set on error (see AH)
F.12 Function FAh - Subfunction 03h
Get Video Information
Returns the state of various video features. Except for 07h - Text Resolu-
tion, and 08h - Contrast Enhancement, the state is taken from the CMOS
area, not from the hardware.
Added Interrupt 15 Functions F-9