PGA309EVM-USB Hardware Setup
Figure 15 shows the default jumpers configuration for the USB-DAQ-Platform. In general, the jumper
settings of the USB-DAQ-Platform do not need to be changed.
Figure 15. Default Jumper Settings (USB-DAQ-Platform)
Table 4 explains the function of the jumpers on the PGA309_Test_Board.
Table 4. PGA309_Test_Board Jumper Functions: General
Jumper Default Purpose
JMP10 NC This jumper is used to connect the current loop output
(XTR117). For voltage output modules, set this jumper to the NC
(no connect) position. For current-loop modules, set this jumper
to the Vref PGA position.
power This jumper is used to connect the current-loop output
(XTR117). For voltage output modules, set this jumper to the
Vdut Power (5V connected to power) position. For current-loop
modules, set this jumper to the Loop Power (power to loop
supply) position.
JMP9 NC This jumper connects the V
pin on the PGA309 to the
XTR117 input. For voltage output modules, set this jumper to the
NC (no connect) position. For current-loop modules, set this
jumper to the Vout to XTR position.
PGA309EVM-USB SBOU084–February 2010
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