PGA309EVM-USB Software Overview
4.8.2 PGA Setup Functions
Figure 21 illustrates the PGA Setup sub-tab.
Figure 21. PGA309EVM-USB Software: Auto Calibrate Tab—PGA Setup
The PGA Setup sub-tab is divided into six sections. Each section is identified as a sequential step:
Step 1. PGA309 Hardware Connections
Step 2. PGA309 Initial Register Settings
Step 3. Sensor Model (temperature sensor connection, temperature range)
Step 4. Calibration Range (output voltage or current range)
Step 5. Calibration Measure Points (temperature and nonlinearity)
Step 6. Step 6 confirms the previous entries and configures the DUT settings.
The last procedure in the setup process is to save the settings from this tab. If you have already made a
sensor setup file, you can skip Steps 1 to 6 and simply load the file; select the Load Sensor Setup button
at the lower right-hand side of the window.
SBOU084–February 2010 PGA309EVM-USB
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