Copyright © 2006 Texas Instruments Incorporated 14
The TI-30XS MultiView™ calculator defaults output to
improper fractions. Results are automatically simplified.
• q enters a simple fraction. Pressing q before or after a
number can result in different behavior. Entering a number
before pressing q makes that number the numerator.
To enter fractions with operators or radicals, press q
before you enter a number (in MathPrint™ mode only).
In MathPrint mode, press $ between the entry of the
numerator and the denominator.
In Classic mode, press q between the entry of the
numerator and the denominator.
• %N enters a mixed number. Press %N between
the entry of the unit and the numerator.
• % O converts between mixed numbers and simple
fraction form.
• % j converts results between fractions and
Examples Classic mode
Examples MathPrint™ mode
n/d, U n/d 3 q 4 T 1 % N 7
q 12 <
n/d ¶U n/d 9 q 2 %O <
F ¶D 4 % N 1 q 2 %
j <
n/d, U n/d q3 $ 4 " T 1
%N 7 $12 <
n/d ¶Un/d 9 q 2 " %O