Copyright © 2006 Texas Instruments Incorporated 34
1. Find Anthony’s average grade (weighted average).
2. What does the value of n given by the calculator
represent? What does the value of Òx given by the
calculator represent?
Reminder: The weighed average is
3. The teacher gave Anthony 4 more points on test 4 due to a
grading error. Find Anthony’s new average grade.
Anthony has an average (Ï) of 11.33 (to the nearest
On the calculator, n represents the total sum of the weights
n = 1 + 0.5 + 1 + 0.5.
Òx represents the weighted sum of his scores.
(12)(1) + (13)(0.5) + (10)(1) + (11)(0.5) = 34.
v v4
12 $13 $10 $11 $"1 $ 8
5 $1 $ 85 $
(Your screen may not show
3:StatVars if you did not previously
perform a calculation.)
$""< $
12()1() 13()0.5()10()1() 11()0.5()+++