Chapter 4: Parametric Graphing 138
Defining and Editing Parametric Equations
Defining and Editing Parametric EquationsDefining and Editing Parametric Equations
Defining and Editing Parametric Equations
To define or edit a parametric equation, follow the steps in Chapter 3 for defining a
function or editing a function. The independent variable in a parametric equation is T. In
Par graphing mode, you can enter the parametric variable T in either of two ways.
• Press „.
• Press ƒ [
Two components, X and Y, define a single parametric equation. You must define both of
Selecting and Deselecting Parametric Equations
Selecting and Deselecting Parametric EquationsSelecting and Deselecting Parametric Equations
Selecting and Deselecting Parametric Equations
The TI-84 Plus graphs only the selected parametric equations. In the Y= editor, a
parametric equation is selected when the
= signs of both the X and Y components are
highlighted. You may select any or all of the equations
X1T and Y1T through X6T and Y6T.
To change the selection status, move the cursor onto the
= sign of either the X or Y
component and press Í. The status of both the X and Y components is changed.