Chapter 8: Draw Instructions 199
Placing Text on a Graph from the Home Screen or a Program
Placing Text on a Graph from the Home Screen or a ProgramPlacing Text on a Graph from the Home Screen or a Program
Placing Text on a Graph from the Home Screen or a Program
Text( places on the current graph the characters comprising value, which can include
TI-84 Plus functions and instructions. The top-left corner of the first character is at pixel
row,column), where row is an integer between 0 and 57 and column is an integer between 0
and 94. Both
row and column can be expressions.
can be text enclosed in quotation marks ( " ), or it can be an expression. The TI-84
Plus will evaluate an expression and display the result with up to 10 characters.
Split Screen
Split ScreenSplit Screen
Split Screen
On a
Horiz split screen, the maximum value for row is 25. On a G-T split screen, the
maximum value for
row is 45, and the maximum value for column is 46.