6 Chapter 1: Getting Started
01START.DOC TI-89/TI-92Plus:Getting Started (English) Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/23/01 10:47 AM Printed: 02/23/01 2:10 PM Page 6 of 12
92Plus:Getting Started (English) BobFedorisko Revised:02/23/01 10:47 AM Printed: 02/23/01 2:10 PM Page 6 of 12
After you select a language, a blank Home screen is displayed.
The Home screen lets you execute instructions, evaluate
expressions, and view results.
The following example contains previously entered data and
describes the main parts of the Home screen. Entry/answer pairs in
the history area are displayed in “pretty print.” Pretty print displays
expressions in the same form in which they are written on the board
or in textbooks.
About the Home
Entry Line
Where you enter
expressions or
Last Entry
Your last entry.
Last Answer
Result of your last entry.
Note that results are not
displayed on the entry line.
History Area
Lists entry/answer pairs
you have entered. Pairs
scroll up the screen as
you make new entries.
Status Line
Shows the current state
of the calculator.
Lets you display menus for
selecting operations
applicable to the Home
screen. To display a toolbar
menu, press ƒ, „, etc.