556 Appendix B: Reference Information
b doc (English) SusanGullord Revised:02/23/01 1:54 PM Printed: 02/23/01 2:24 PM Page 556 of 34
Table 1: Key Codes for Primary Keys
Key Modifier
Assoc. Value Assoc. Value Assoc. Value Assoc. Value Assoc. Value
ƒ F1 268 F1 268 F6 273 Y= 8460 F1 268
„ F2 269 F2 269 F7 274 WINDOW 8461 F2 269
… F3 270 F3 270 F8 275 GRAPH 8462 F3 270
† F4 271 F4 271 F4 271 TblSet 8463 F4 271
‡ F5 272 F5 272 F5 272 TABLE 8464 F5 272
¥ COPY 24576 CUT 12288
j a-lock
N ESC 264 ESC 264 QUIT 4360 PASTE 8456 ESC 264
O APPS 265 APPS 265 SWITCH 4361 8457 APPS 265
" HOME 277 HOME 277 CUST 4373 HOME 277 HOME 277
3 MODE 266 MODE 266
18 _ 95 MODE 266
½ CATLG 278 CATLG 278
190 CATLG 278
0 BS 257 BS 257 INS 4353 DEL 8449 BS 257
M CLEAR 263 CLEAR 263 CLEAR 263 8455 CLEAR 263
Ù x 120 X 88 LN 4184 e
8280 x 120
Ú y 121 Y 89 SIN 4185 SIN
8281 y 121
Û z 122 Z 90 COS 4186 COS
8282 z 122
Ü t 116 T 84 TAN 4180 TAN
8276 t 116
Z ^94^94
136 ^ 94
Í | 124 F 70
176 Format d/b 8316 f 102
c ( 40 B 66 { 123 b 98
d ) 41 C 67 } 125 ¦ 169 c 99
b , 44 D 68 [ 91 8236 d 100
e / 47 E 69 ] 93 ! 33 e 101
p * 42 J 74
4138 & 38 j 106
| - 45 O 79 VAR-LNK 4141 Contr. - o 111
« + 43 U 85 CHAR 4139 Contr. + u 117
TI-89 Key Codes
function returns a value that corresponds to the last key pressed, according
to the tables shown in this section. For example, if your program contains a
function, pressing
will return a value of 273.