Recovering from
a Configuration Loss
In the unlikely event that the battery sustaining
the configuration memory becomes depleted or
for any other reason the configuration memory
becomes corrupted, you must restore the
configuration to restore operations.
Turn on the computer. A message similar to the
following appears:
Invalid Configuration Information
- Press Enter to run SET_UP
- Press the F1 key to continue
2. Press Enter. The first Setup screen appears.
3. Press Esc then F5 to set the configuration to
its default values.
4. Check the date and time, and change them if
they are wrong.
5. Press Esc then F4 to save your settings and
restart the computer.
The computer can now operate, but you may
need to make a few more changes to return the
configuration to its previous values:
❑ Modifying power-savings settings
❑ Defining the startup condition of the
keyboard and screen