Getting Online Help
The following sections discuss help for your
Windows Help
To obtain Windows help, press F1 or Alt-H from
the Windows menu or from within the program.
You can also double-click on the Readme First,
Battips, and BatteryPro APM icons in the
TravelMate Notebook Center Group for
information about utility programs and
power-saving options.
For general help with MS-DOS commands, type
HELP at the MS-DOS C:\> prompt, and press Enter.
For additional details on a specific
command, at the MS-DOS C:\> prompt type HELP
plus a command name. For example, HELP COPY
displays a half screen of information about the
COPY command.
TravelMate Utilities Help
For help with the functions of DOS-based
BatteryPro and other utility software, type
at the MS-DOS C:\> prompt, and press Enter. You
may also choose TI Utilities from the TravelMate
Notebook Center group in Windows. For help
VGA.EXE , type VGAHELP at the MS-DOS C:\>
prompt, and press Enter. For further
information, refer to the online TM5000 Series
User’s Reference Guide.
For online help, Phoenix SmartShelf provides
complete MS-DOS and Windows documentation.
Getting Online Help