
Individual Interrupt Control
5.3.4 Returning From Interrupt Servicing
After RESET goes high, the control registers are brought to a known value and
program execution begins at address 0h. After nonmaskable and maskable
interrupt servicing, use a branch to the corresponding return pointer register
to continue the previous program execution. CPU State After RESET
After RESET, the control registers and bits contain the following values:
AMR, ISR, ICR, IFR, and ISTP = 0
IER = 1h
IRP and NRP = undefined
CSR bits 150 = 100h in little-endian mode
= 000h in big-endian mode Returning From Nonmaskable Interrupts
The NMI return pointer register (NRP), shown in Figure 212 (page 2-22),
contains the return pointer that directs the CPU to the proper location to contin-
ue program execution after NMI processing. A branch using the address in
NRP (B NRP) in your interrupt service routine returns to the program flow
when NMI servicing is complete. Example 58 shows how to return from an
Example 58. Code to Return From NMI
B NRP ; return, sets NMIE
NOP 5 ; delay slots Returning From Maskable Interrupts
The interrupt return pointer register (IRP), shown in Figure 29 (page 2-19),
contains the return pointer that directs the CPU to the proper location to contin-
ue program execution after processing a maskable interrupt. A branch using
the address in IRP (B IRP) in your interrupt service routine returns to the
program flow when interrupt servicing is complete. Example 59 shows how
to return from a maskable interrupt.
Example 59. Code to Return from a Maskable Interrupt
B IRP ; return, moves PGIE to GIE
NOP 5 ; delay slots