Control Register File Extensions
CPU Data Paths and Control2-28 SPRU733
Table 2−15. Floating-Point Auxiliary Configuration Register (FAUCR)
Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit DescriptionValueField
25 UNORD Source to a compare operation for .S2
0 NaN is not a source to a compare operation.
1 NaN is a source to a compare operation.
UND Result underflow status for .S2.
0 Result does not underflow.
1 Result underflows.
INEX Inexact results status for .S2.
1 Result differs from what would have been computed had the exponent range
and precision been unbounded; never set with INVAL.
OVER Result overflow status for .S2.
0 Result does not overflow.
1 Result overflows.
INFO Signed infinity for .S2.
0 Result is not signed infinity.
1 Result is signed infinity.
0 A signed NaN (SNaN) is not a source.
1 A signed NaN (SNaN) is a source. NaN is a source in a floating-point to integer
conversion or when infinity is subtracted from infinity.
DEN2 Denormalized number select for .S2 src2.
0 src2 is not a denormalized number.
1 src2 is a denormalized number.
DEN1 Denormalized number select for .S2 src1.
0 src1 is not a denormalized number.
1 src1 is a denormalized number.