On-Screen Button and Editing Shortcuts
From the keyboard, you can activate on-screen buttons such as (OK) or (X)
and access application editing functions. Refer to the following table for the
appropriate keyboard shortcut.
On-Screen Button or Editing Function Shortcut
Generate an ESC <Fn>–<Tab>
Turns on NumLock mode <Fn>–<CapsLock>
Send (simulates a screen tap on Send) <Fn>–<G>
OK <Fn>–<Enter>
Close a window or application <Fn>–<N>
New item <Ctrl>–<N> or <Fn>–<Q>
Select all <Ctrl>–<A>
Undo last action <Ctrl>–<Z>
Cut selected text <Ctrl>–<X>
Copy selected text <Ctrl>–<C>
Paste cut or copied text <Ctrl>–<V>
Emulate left Softkey (where applicable) <Fn>–<Left Spacebar>
Emulate right Softkey (where applicable) <Fn>–<Right Spacebar>
Launching and Navigating Applications
To launch software applications and navigate among them, refer to the
following table:
Action Shortcut
Start Phone call (where applicable) <Fn>+<D>
End Phone call (where applicable) <Fn>+<F>
Launch Today screen <Fn>–<J>
Access Programs screen <Fn>–<K>
Access Settings screen <Fn>–<M>
Launch Calendar Top Application Key
Launch Contacts Second Application Key
Launch Inbox Third Application Key
Launch Internet Explorer Bottom Application Key
Launch up to 10 user selected applications (refer to
“Hot-Key tab” section for more information)
Toggle among open and recently used programs. <Alt>–<Tab> (Hold the Alt
key and hit the Tab key until
the program you want is
selected, then release keys
to make it active)
Stowaway Sierra Owner’s Manual for Windows Mobile
Page 21