CE Notice (European Union)
Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of this Stowaway
keyboard to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and the Low Voltage
Directive of the European Union. Such marking is indicative that this
Stowaway keyboard meets the following technical standards:
• EN 5502 – “Information Technology Equipment – Radio Disturbance
Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement.”
• EN 55024 – “Information Technology Equipment - Immunity
Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement.”
• EN 60950 – “Safety of Information Technology Equipment.”
NOTE: EN 55022 emissions requirements provide for two classifications:
• Class A is for typical commercial areas.
• Class B is for typical domestic areas.
This Think Outside device is classified for use in a typical Class B domestic
EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only)
This device belongs to Class B devices as described in EN 55022, unless it is
specifically stated that it is a Class A device on the specification label. The
following applies to devices in Class A of EN 55022 (radius of protection up
to 30 meters). The user of the device is obliged to take all steps necessary
to remove sources of interference to telecommunication or other devices.
Pokud není na typovém štitku počítače uvedeno, že spadá do třídy A
podle EN 55022, spadá automaticky do třídy B podle EN 55022. Pro
zařízení zařazená do třídy A (ochranné pásmo 30m) podle EN 55022
platí následující. Dojde – li k rušení tlekomunikačnich nebo jinych
zařizení, je uživatel povinen provést taková opatření, aby rušení
Stowaway Sierra Owner’s Manual for Windows Mobile
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